




Appliquer Effacer


    Separation/extraction of sources are wide concepts in information sciences, since sensors provide signal mixing and an essential step consists in separating/extracting useful information from unuseful one, the noise. The project addresses three challenges....


    Collaborative envt. of the MIAI Chair "Collaborative Intelligent Systems"
    Objectives: Create the theoretical foundations for AI technologies
    that enhance human abilities and extend, rather than replace, human intelligence.
    Our research program combines scientific investigation along four research axes:...

  • dev_josseje

    Espace de développement/repo pour Jérémie Josse

  • dev_lebbat

    espace de développement logiciel pour la thèse CIFRE de Badreddine

  • dev_lenglet

    Git repository for Martin Lenglet

  • dev_ouakriya

    Base pour le repo git de Yanis Ouakrim

  • dev_perrotol

    Git de Olivier Perrotin

    git clone
  • Decoda

    Multi-Way factor Analysis is attracting growing interest in many disciplines of engineering. Because the applications are much more numerous than those that serve as focus for this project, the tools developed in the framework of the project will have major impact. MWA is probably the simplest extension of the well-known (linear) Factor Analysis. However, despite its extremely wide panel of applications and its apparently simple expression, it still, surprisingly, lacks theoretical background. The reason is that this identification problem disguises challenges of unexpected magnitude. In fact, several tensor problems still remain open for several decades, and the difficulties should not be overlooked. Yet, the lack of identifiability results (existence, uniqueness) prevents the design of efficient numerical algorithms....

  • iCub

    Suivi des activités logicielles (code, procédures des démos et expérimentations) sur le robot Nina

    • furhat_interaction
      A set of modules to build interaction experiments with the furhat robot, in a yarp environnement:
      • reactive programmation of furhat through simple python scripts
      • a yarp relay service eases interconnection and hot plugs of services
      • a kotlin skill relays events/orders to the yarp world...
  • C-GMR

    Cascaded Gaussian Mixture Regression

  • OculoNimbus

    Equipe Action du Labex Persyval


    La plate-forme RIESCO1, a pour vocation le prototypage et l'enseignement des systèmes complexes à l'aide de techniques de radio-logicielle.
    Ces nouveaux moyens d'expérimentation répondent aux besoin de nombreux travaux d'enseignement et de recherches réalisés au sein du GIPSA-lab....

  • Support

    Ce projet contient la documentation technique de la plate-forme Redmine du GIPSA-lab. Les éventuelles anomalies et demandes d'évolution peuvent être reportées via le gestionnaire de tickets...

  • site

    fichiers pour le gipsa

  • site_gipsa

    fichiers pour le site

  • Labo au quotidien

    Astuces pour la vie au quotidien dans le labo : comment se connecter, quels infrastructures informatiques à notre disposition, etc.

    This is a page containing hints about live in the laboratory : you'll find some suggestions about which computer facilities exist, how to connect, ......

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