


Wiki » Historique » Révision 8

Révision 7 (Gerard Bailly, 31/01/2020 09:22) → Révision 8/10 (Gerard Bailly, 31/01/2020 09:24)

h1. Projects related to CIS@MIAI 

 h2. On-going 
 >- PSPC THERADIA (2020-2024) SBT, Pertimm, ATOS, *GIPSA*, *LIG*, GIPSA, LIG, EMC: conversational agent for digital therapies 

 h2. Submitted 
 >- H2020 ITN NEHMESIS IDIAP, *GIPSA*, GIPSA, KTH, U. Augsburg: expressive speech synthesis 
 >- H2020 CENTRIS [[]] *UGA*: centers of Excellence Network for Trustworthy Robotics and Intelligent Systems 

 h1. Thesis related to CIS@MIAI 
 >- Badreddine Lebbat (2019-2022) EEATS / CIFRE ATOS: Learning styles of verbal & coverbal behvaiors for a conversational agent (with G. Bailly & O. Perrotin) 
 >- Loriane Koelsch (2019-2022) EEATS / 80ans CNRS: Impact de la présence de robots attentifs et bienveillants sur les comportements et fonctionnements cognitifs humains (with G. Bailly, F. Elisei & P. Huguet)